Wednesday, 27 August 2014


स्वावलंबन योजना (N.P.S )

About Swavalamban Scheme:

The Scheme and its applicability

The scheme will be called Swavalamban Yojana. It will be applicable to all citizens of 18yrs To 55yrs who join the New Pension System (NPS) administered by the
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority ( PFRDA ).

Refer Govt link:

Benefits under the Scheme

Under the scheme, Government will contribute Rs.1000/-  per year to each NPS account .
The benefit will be available only to persons who join the NPS with a
minimum contribution of Rs.1,000/- and maximum contribution of Rs. 12,000/- per annum.

Government of India has decided to extend the benefit of Swavalamban scheme for all NPS/Swavalamban accounts opened in the year 2012-13 and subsequent years upto 2016-17. The benefit of Swavalamban scheme for accounts opened in financial year 2012-13 and subsequent year will be limited till financial year 2016-17.

Calculation Of Deposit
Sr. No. Age Of Deposit (ANNUAL) Anudan Rate of % (ANNUAL) Amount of % (ANNUAL) Total Amount Pension Amount (APROXIMATE)
1 18 1000 1000 12% 240 2240
2 19 3240 1000 12% 508.8 4748.8
3 20 5748.8 1000 12% 809.85 7558.65
4 21 8558.65 1000 12% 1147.03 10705.69
5 22 11705.69 1000 12% 1524.68 14230.37
6 23 15230.37 1000 12% 1947.64 18178.02
7 24 19178.02 1000 12% 2421.36 22599.38
8 25 23599.38 1000 12% 2951.92 27551.31
9 26 28551.31 1000 12% 3546.15 33097.47
10 27 34097.47 1000 12% 4211.69 39309.16
11 28 40309.16 1000 12% 4957.09 46266.26
12 29 47266.26 1000 12% 5791.95 54058.21
13 30 55058.21 1000 12% 6726.98 62785.20
14 31 63785.20 1000 12% 7774.22 72559.42
15 32 73559.42 1000 12% 8947.13 83506.56
16 33 84506.56 1000 12% 10260.78 95767.34
17 34 96767.34 1000 12% 11732.08 109499.42
18 35 110499.42 1000 12% 13379.93 124879.36
19 36 125879.36 1000 12% 15225.52 142104.88
20 37 143104.88 1000 12% 17292.58 161397.47 1083.20
21 38 162397.47 1000 12% 19607.69 183005.16 1228.22
22 39 184005.16 1000 12% 22200.62 207205.78 1390.64
23 40 208205.78 1000 12% 25104.69 234310.48 1572.55
24 41 235310.48 1000 12% 28357.25 264667.74 1776.29
25 42 265667.74 1000 12% 32000.12 298667.86 2004.48
26 43 299667.86 1000 12% 36080.14 336748.01 2260.05
27 44 337748.01 1000 12% 40649.76 379397.77 2546.29
28 45 380397.77 1000 12% 45767.73 427165.50 2866.88
29 46 428165.50 1000 12% 51499.86 480665.36 3225.94
30 47 481665.36 1000 12% 57919.84 540585.21 3628.08
31 48 541585.21 1000 12% 65110.22 607695.43 4078.49
32 49 608695.43 1000 12% 73163.45 682858.89 4582.94
33 50 683858.89 1000 12% 82183.06 767041.95 5147.93
34 51 768041.95 1000 12% 92285.03 861326.99 5780.71
35 52 862326.99 1000 12% 103599.23 966926.23 6489.41
36 53 967926.23 1000 12% 116271.14 1085197.38 7283.26
37 54 1086197.38 1000 12% 130463.68 1217661.06 8172.26
38 55 1218661.06 1000 12% 146359.32 1366020.39 9167.92
39 56 1367020.39 1000 12% 164162.44 1532182.84 10283.10
40 57 1533182.84 1000 12% 184101.94 1718284.78 11532.11
41 58 1719284.78 1000 12% 206434.17 1926718.95 12930.99
42 59 1927718.95 1000 12% 231446.27 2160165.23 14497.75
43 60 2161165.23 1000 12% 259459.82 2421625.05 16252.51
Pension Amount (APPROXIMATE) Rs.16252/- Per Month

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